Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 4

Out in the weather today! Hot, sunny, tons of bugs... but that is what makes it sooo great! Studio painting is a breeZe compared to the reality of plein air, but there is NO other way to get the information. Cameras fall short of the human eye when it comes to this.

We went to a lake south of Victor and stayed all day. I got 4 pieces done. The first few were on the same panel. Another Dave Boyd Jedi mind trick... all the keep me from worrying too much about what I was doing and to remember that I was there to study.

After painting at night for the first few days, I felt comfortable with Scott's palette, which is limited with a lot of grays. If you want more info, let me know. I don't want to get into it if I don't have to. I rocked out 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. I tried hard to focus on depth, looseness, orchestration. I was happy with what I got done.

Here a the pieces for your viewing pleasure...


  1. These look great! Know you must be having a ball.

  2. Great work, David! Love how casual yet deliberate it all is.

  3. Thanks, guys. The workshop just ended today and I am exhausted! More posts to catch you up....
