Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 8

I was told we went out to paint aspens, but I have no memory of such. I do remember Scott pulling my pieces to work over, again... very nice for me. He reworked the larger, tall one and started on a smaller one that seemed to even stump him.

I did small sketches on a big board again. We were asked to compose and do as many as we could, starting with odd numbered groups, of course... dominant and submissive tress as well.

my aspen cluster before Scott got his hands on it. The one on the far right had been scraped down by yours truly before he started to work into it. There was a LOT of paint to work through! 12"x16"

Scott makes my work look great...

This one stumped and frustrated the hell out of him...

The one he did not "fix"

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