Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sandman Motel

Sandman Motel, Rawlins, WY, 30"x40", oil on gallery wrap, $2750
I am finally back. I have shrugged off the last of my Scott Christensen cobwebs and feel like I am myself and not some weird, awkward version of myself. It always bothers me when people ask questions like, "what kind of white do you use or what kind of brush is that." It reminds me of something my dad always used to say to his opponents when playing golf, "do you breathe in on you backswing or you downswing?" The point is, does it really matter? In this case, I was loving a synthetic brush over my old bristle brushes and that made all the difference to me. I guess sometimes the little things do matter.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crossville Corner

Crossville Corner, 6"x8", oil on RayMar panel, $125
Study done from some images I took on our journey to Crossville, TN earlier this fall.

Buy through PayPal here

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Eyed Peas on Collard Greens

Black Eyed Peas on Collard Green, 6"x8", oil on raymar panel, 
This piece was published in LifeStyles Magazine here in Atlanta as part of the Southern Traditions editorial. The partnership is a new one and I am very excited to be working on such a beautiful publication. Due to the time crunch, this piece is very small. Subsequent illustrations will be larger and auctioned off as well. Look for this one done 24"x24"

click here to bid

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rusty Coke

Rusty Coke, 36"x48", oil on gallery wrap in floater frame, available at Dogwood Gallery

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Trouble

My blog has not been working properly. I can not upload photos and text at the same time, I am surprised if this will even post. I am hoping that since there is no photo in it, that it may work! I will still be posting to dailypainters.comdailypaintworks.com and dailypainteroriginals.com.

If I have to, I will just post images, but I would rather do both.

Afternoon GraZe

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Overcast DodgeOvercast Dodge

Overcast Dodge, 30"x40", oil on gallery wrap, available at the show Saturday, Nov. 12
I have had this on my list of paintings to do for quite some time. I am glad I waited until now to paint it. It is by far my favorite car piece...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Villa de Suenos, St. Simons Island, GA SOLD

Villa De Suenos Beach view, St. Simons Island, 11"x14", oil on raymar panel, SOLD
Did this piece a couple of weekends ago while at my one of my best friends wedding. This was done the day of the wedding, actually right before. I had to pack up my gear before really finishing the piece to get ready for the big show.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

RC Cola

RC Cola, 24"x20", oil on 3" Museum Wrap, available at my show on Nov. 12th
This completes the southern pairing painting series with it's sister piece Moon Pie. Both will be available at the show as a pair.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Simple Ground PLane

Simple Ground Plane, 8"x10", oil on RayMar panel
Playing with the ground plane... I did this one the same day as the other Thompson Farm painting. The ground plane was so active, so I decided to so something simple.