I was very excited about starting this piece. It is a larger one, done in one sitting, 18"x18" in about 2 hours early this morning. I love being able to wake up and blunder into the studio with a cup of coffee, put on the headphones and plug into some tunes and get lost in a painting. Pure heaven. Tomorrow I leave for Paris, TN and I am painting with wild abandon, like it is my last chance. I try to make the best of every vacation I get from teaching. The weather is going to be pleasant in Paris and I am taking my outdoor painting rig and 4 canvas's. Industrious, I know. I hope to at least paint 2. I will be balancing being social with painting and the MASTERS!!
This is such a glorious time of year that used to be topped off with a trip to my garndmothers in Washington, GA and a pilgrimage to the hallowed grounds of the Augusta National with my father. It was always so special and magical. You have never seen anything like it. It has changed now. Used to be everyone was dressed to the nines and the crowds were intimate back then. I would walk the course and then follow my favorite golfer... from Tom Watson and Nickolaus, Freddy Couples to Tiger. The concession prices are still rediculously low. You could eat all you want on $15. Drinks were under a dollar, sandwiches under 2. I would eat as many pimento cheese sandwiches as my stomach could hold and the move to egg salad and maybe a club, and still come home with money in my pocket.
A few years ago my sweet grandmother passed away and the tickets were lost to the next person in line. My father had been to over 50 Masters since my grandfather got the tickets in the beginning, I have been to every one since 1978 or so. I still have most of the badges pinned to a hat in my studio. It is hard to feel good about losing the tickets, but I guess we had a good run. However, I doubt you will find any one there more in love with the history and the course than my dad and me.
Happy Easter!